SP&T News

Hakimo releases enterprise AI software for intelligent access control monitoring

November 29, 2021  By SP&T Staff

Hakimo has announced the release of its smart monitoring software powered by artificial intelligence to manage enterprise physical security operations.

According to the company, the software streamlines the workflow of a global security operations centre by freeing up time for operators and by surfacing security threats which would have gone unnoticed previously.

“Hakimo leverages state-of-the-art deep learning technology developed over the last few years,” said Sam Joseph, co-founder and chief executive officer of Hakimo in a statement.

“What Hakimo is doing today was literally impossible to achieve just a decade ago. Hakimo-like tools have been the norm in the cybersecurity industry and Hakimo is pioneering the convergence between cybersecurity and physical security by bringing them to physical security.”


According to a statement from Hakimo, tailgating is a serious concern for every security organization because the damage that a malicious person can do within a secure facility has no bounds. Hakimo’s software detects tailgating using existing cameras without needing any additional hardware to be deployed.

Hakimo also stated that all GSOCs suffer from false alarms and the ensuing alarm fatigue because of the sheer impractical volume of alarms that must be managed. Hakimo uses video analytics to auto-resolve false alarms and reduces nuisance alarms by 75 to 85 per cent. This gives time back to the GSOC operators to focus on real issues that require true human attention, such as  security incidents, emergency response, and travel risk management. Alternatively, the same GSOC can now handle five times the volume of alarms with the same amount of resources.

The company also stated that Hakimo’s data analytics algorithms also analyze alarms across time and diagnose faulty hardware such as door sensors and sensors. Pointing out anomalies in cardholder behaviour is another useful tool in Hakimo’s toolkit. It can point out impossible travel, unusual time or location of usage, and so on.

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